Postnatal Midwifery Care

Are you struggling as new parents? Are you unsure if baby is getting enough to eat or is baby’s behaviour normal? Is mum feeling uncertain about the changes in her body since the birth. Do you worry if you are healing. Are your breasts and nipples sore? Are you feeling teary and wonder how you will cope going forward?

Do you feel let down by the hospital system because you are only able to access 1 or two in home Post Natal visits from a hospital based midwife?

Do you wish you could have in home support from an experienced Midwife and Lactation Consultant who will listen to your concerns, give you evidenced based information about parenting and breastfeeding which will lead to empowered, intuitive and resilient parents and a happy content infant.

Narelle Crane will provide Postnatal Midwifery support in your own home until baby is 7 weeks old. The number of visits you receive are dependent on your individual needs and circumstances.

Some things that may be covered during the visits:
– Full maternal check including uterus, loss, stitches, breasts and nipples and maternal mood
– Information around breast changes and hormonal changes and what to expect over the coming weeks
– Full baby check and weight (if indicated) and developmental check
– Observation of a feed
– Strategies that parents may use to try to improve latch and positioning at the breast
– Discussion around normal infant development
– Coping strategies
– Hints and techniques to help settle your baby

Together we will formulate a detailed care plan for moving forward.

Referral to GP/Obstetrician/Paediatrician if there are any medical concerns.

Referral to local Child Health Nurse for ongoing follow up and immunizations.

 You may be entitled to claim a Medicare rebate for these visits – GP referral is required.

Let’s talk

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