Breast Pump Flange Fitting - Personalised

Are you Breast Pumping?
Most women are doing it wrong. And don’t even know it.

Breast pumps available on the market come with Flanges that don’t properly fit a lot of women and can cause many problems for both mother and baby.


What happens when you use a flange that’s too big?  

  • It hurts or is uncomfortable even on a low setting
  • Your breast loses contact with the flange (there are gaps between the breast and the flange).
  • Your nipple and areola are going to move within the tunnel, and you’re going to get some swelling of the nipple and areola. (The nipple looks much larger after the pumping session) This swelling will cause the milk ducts to be compressed and less milk will be removed.
  • You’re going to get less milk, – you will see drips and only a few sprays
  • Often the breast still feels full after expressing.
  • Milk will often leak out of the bottom of the flange.
  • If the flange is too big you often need a higher vacuum level to get milk out. (When there is a correct flange size, you will usually get more milk on a lower vacuum setting).
  • Another sign of a flange that is too big is that it often feels “tight” but there is still room between the breast and the flange – It feels tight because the areola and sometimes the breast tissue is being pulled into the tunnel.
  • The skin on the breast is irritated


What happens when the flange is too small?

  • The whole nipple does not fit into the flange tunnel
  • Pumping is painful, even on low vacuum
  • Milk flows slowly or less milk is pumped than expected
  • The nipple looks red or discoloured after pumping
  • The flange feels tight even with a little lubrication
  • The nipple is misshapen after pumping
  • There is a ring around your breast that matches the flange


What happens when the flange is the right size?

  • What you’ll notice is only the nipple gets pulled into the tunnel.
  • The breast tissue is constantly in contact with the flange – no air gaps are present.
  • The sides of the nipple may actually touch the sides of the tunnel, but it shouldn’t hurt. (Sometimes a smear of coconut oil inside the tunnel will help the easy movement of the nipple)
  • The nipple will move freely back and forth within the tunnel – there should be no friction or pain
  • You’ll notice that there’s going to be a lot more spraying and output during the pumping session.
  • You will likely get bigger volumes more quickly
  • When you’re pumping and the flange is the right size, it should feel like you’re wearing a comfortable shoe. It should feel like nothing or just a gentle tug.
  • The breast is fully drained after a pumping session


What sort of flange should you use?

It’s been shown that using a hard flange is better than a silicone flange or silicone insert. Parents are finding that they’re getting more milk with a hard flange as the nipple moves more freely in the hard flange.

A few people find that the silicone flanges (LacTec and Pumipn Pals) are more comfortable especially when the breast is large and soft. 

Silicone Inserts are used to reduce the dimeter of the 24 or 25mm flange or shield that came with your pump.  The only way to adjust the size of a wearable pump is to use a silicone insert.

What about sizing?



The majority of women have nipple diameters between 15-17 mm, but most pump flanges are much larger (21-27 mm)
An oversized flange can cause pain, reduced output, swelling, and compression of milk ducts
A proper fitting flange will feel comfortable, only draw the nipple into the tunnel, and result in more milk sprays vs drips

The recommendations for the pump flange sizing that the pump companies are using is outdated.  Most companies recommend measuring the nipple diameter and adding 2 – 4mm to determine the best size.

The latest evidence is showing that the best Breast pump flange size is often very close to the actual nipple diameter.

The best fit is when the sides of the nipple touch the sides of the flange and the nipple glides comfortably and smoothly back and forth.

Think about when you go into a shoe store, you try on many different styles and sizes before you find the most comfortable fit.

When you have a personalized Breast pump flange sizing with A Breast Start, you will get to try a range of different hard flange shapes (Maymom Classic, Crater and Pano styles), Silicone flanges (Lactec and Pumpin Pal) and silicone flange inserts in sizes from 10mm – 24mm.  (Larger hard flanges up to 36mm are also available to try if needed).  You will leave the consultation with the most comfortable fit possible. 

It is important to remember that our bodies change over time and just like your shoes, you may find that the size may become uncomfortable sometime in the future – this will need a size adjustment.

What to Expect at a Personalised Flange Fitting:

  • 40-60 minute consultation with an experienced Midwife IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
  • Bring your own breast pump – If you do not have a pump, A Breast Start will use a Spectra S2. A hands free pump is also available to try.
  • Opportunity to try multiple flange sizes and shapes, including hard and silicone flanges and silicone flange inserts from 10mm – 30mm, to find the best fit for your unique anatomy.
  • Learn how to modify your pump to fit the smaller breast pump flanges. Most breast pumps on the market can be adapted to take smaller flanges. (There are some pumps such as Tommy Tippee and Avent that cannot be adapted at all)
  • Assistance adjusting your pump settings (cycles, intensity) to improve output.
  • You leave with the most comfortable breast pump flange fit and most efficient pump setup so that you achieve maximum breast milk output.

If your baby is less than 6 weeks of age you will be able to claim a Medicare rebate  to help offset the consultation fees – (Medicare card holder only)

Some Private Health Funds may offer a rebate for Lactation support.

The goal of the Breast Pump Flange fitting is to find the most comfortable size and shape of flange to suit your unique nipples and breasts. 

Proper flange sizing is the KEY to comfortable and efficient pumping!

Book a personalised flange fitting today and discover the difference that a perfect fit can make!


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